International Medical Products
October 10, 2024
October 10, 2024
Latent Forensics
Canada’s Authorized SIRCHIE Dealer
Let us search for that hard-to-find product. It’s what we do.
Dave Broughton, President of Latent Forensic Services, has over 35 years of policing experience. He was trained in 1987, at the Canadian Police College as a forensic identification officer. Dave retired in January 2016 as the Detective Staff Sergeant in the Forensic Identification Section of Halton Regional Police Service. In the decade that he led Halton’s Forensic Services, Dave was responsible for the implementation of new forensic technologies. He was a mentor for other police services in the implementation of the DNA Databank and Ontario Sex Offender Registry. Under his leadership, Halton was also the 1st municipal Police Service to implement electronic civilian security clearances through LiveScan. He was also responsible for the implementation of the local Canadian Firearms Registry and the formation of Halton’s Unmanned Aerial Vehicle program.
Dave is trained in photography, fingerprint examination, motor vehicle identification, basic bloodstain pattern recognition, shooting reconstruction, DNA sampling and chemical enhancement of fingerprints. He has provided expert testimony in both fingerprint identification and motor vehicle identification.
Dave has partnered with other agencies including the University of Toronto Mississauga Campus Forensic Program, the Centre of Forensic Sciences, the Ontario Police College Forensic Advisory Committee, and the Golden Horseshoe Forensic Committee. Major projects with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police included the Real Time Identification Project (LiveScan) and Criminal Justice Information Modernization (CJIM).
Latent Forensic Services is a Burlington, Ontario based company established in 2015. Our goal is to provide a reliable source of products for forensic investigations. We understand that investigators cannot operate with lengthy or indeterminate wait times. As an Authorized 3M Distributor of HFE7100/71DE and fingerprint lifting tape, we are committed to maintaining a stock of Novec Fluids and fingerprint reagents. Our line of other forensic products continues to grow. Our mission is to stock the items you need, with swift delivery and at a reasonable price.
We are committed to on-going training in the latest identification techniques to ensure our product line and sourcing are current. We do much more than sell our products, we use and understand them as forensic identification specialists.