Fentanyl Detection Safety Wipe
synthetic or natural opioids, and its analogues
- fentanyl
- carfentanil
- heroin
- morphine
- oxycodone
- hyrdrocodone
- fentanyl solution
- xylazine
- metonitazene
- tramadol
- benzyl fentanyl
- meperidine
Fentanyl is the leading threat faced by law enforcement and those public health and emergency workers charged with keeping our communities and our citizens safe from this deadly scourge. Trace Eye-D's fentanyl detection safety wipe is the easiest, fastest, and most affordable product for the instant detection of fentanyl. Just open the pouch, take out the wipe and apply it to a surface or substance that you suspect and in seconds, not minutes, you will have clear and accurate results. If fentanyl or any of its analogues are present, the wipe will instantly show a pink color. Easily dispose of the wipe in the common waste stream with no special neutralizing steps required.
Sale of this product restricted to law enforcement and government.